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Turning negative emotions into positive impact for success and wellbeing

Technology supported group coaching that focuses on the destructive brain habits that sabotage your performance and wellbeing

What's included

Over the course of 6 hour-long group sessions you'll develop the tools you need to identify and intercept self-sabotaging thoughts

Peer learning

Gain insights from the challenges and successes of others on a similar journey to yourself.

Mental Fitness

Replace mental saboteurs with resilience and positive wellbeing.

Budget friendly

Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to invest in yourself and create a better future.


Helps develop meaningful insights into who you are and how to get the best from your brain.

Generate insights

You'll have many 'aha' moments that'll deepen your ADHD self-awareness.

Fast results

Clients begin to experience benefits from the very first session, which build session-to-session.

Science based

Quality information about ADHD that's grounded in science and empirical data.


Experience a deep and sustainable change in your approach to ADHD, work, relationships and life.

How it can benefit you

During your 6 group sessions you'll discover the mental 'self-saboteurs' that are the root cause of challenges with productivity, relationships and wellbeing.

Maximum convenience

On mobile, tablet and computer for learning any time, anywhere, whether you're on the go, in the office or at home.

Greater wellbeing

Clients report not only increase performance but a more positive outlook and greater happiness.

How it works

As you identify these self-sabotaging thoughts you'll learn how your ADHD relates to these mental habits causing you unnecessary hardship in life and work. Just like every colour that exists is only made up of three primary colours, there are only 10 root cause self-saboteurs leading to negative emotions, stress, anxiety, guilt, shame and blame - which are extremely destructive to wellbeing, relationships and productivity. Not only will you learn the 10 saboteurs you'll also discover your top saboteurs. In addition to insight you get plenty of practise.

Group Coaching

Led by a specially trained coach who will help you move toward positive mental wellbeing.

Technology Supported

Mobile app with personalised, bite size daily content and exercises

Reserve your place today

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Is this an open or closed-group course?

Where there are at least 5 individuals from your company attending then we can deliver this as a closed-group course specific to your staff.

Who is the Mental Fitness Programme for?

If you're experiencing negative emotions, finding that you're not achieving what you thought you could or you're getting adverse feedback from others, then you could find that the Mental Fitness Programme has the answers and solutions you're seeking. The Mental Fitness Programme is designed to benefit anyone who experiences self-sabotage and negative emotions and who wants to improve productivity, relationships or wellbeing.

Are there prerequisites for participants?

There are no prerequisites. The Programme delivers the content in bite-size chunks each week designed to give you staff a comprehensive understanding of the saboteurs and the mental fitness strategies to overcome them.

Do I need to be in coaching?

No. You can certainly take the learnings and insights from this course and undertake self-work. Many people taking this course then go on to take our Mental Fitness Programme or have Coaching as a way to accelerate the change they desire, in a structured setting with support and accountability.

Is this a standalone programme?

You can take the Mental Fitness Programme as a standalone resource if you wish. The course has a profound effect on participants and offers life-changing insights and strategies for improving wellbeing and performance. The Programme also provides an excellent foundation before starting One-to-One Coaching with us. By taking the Programme before coaching you and the coach will have an additional toolkit to then access throughout the coaching relationship. In this way, you will be able to deepen the gains and benefits you took from the Mental Fitness Foundation Programme.

How long is the programme?

The Programme lasts 6 weeks. Each week you will have a 1-hour video to watch. There are also daily Mental Fitness practices delivered through a mobile app, these are around 15 minutes a day. These aspects of the Programme you can do when it suits you schedule. There is also a weekly group coaching call, led by the Programme's coach.

What results can I expect?

Participants let us know that the Programme and has made a deep and lasting impact on their performance, relationships, happiness and general wellbeing. Data collected from the Programme support this with 90% of participants better using their emotional energy, 92% have improved teamwork, 83% have more self-confidence, 85% are happier, 82% enjoy better relationships and 91% are now manage stress better. What's more, benefits from the Mental Fitness Programme apply to all areas of work and life.

How long does it take to see results?

Clients start having benefits from the very first session itself. As the sessions advance, you will find that the benefits are cumulative and begin to move you forward faster.

How is the programme delivered?

It's a technology-supported programme with content and live meetings. Each week there's a 1 hour webinar talking through the saboteurs and strategies, which you can access at a time that suits you. A companion mobile app will deliver 15-minute of micro content and exercises daily for you to practice what you learnt in that week's webinar. There is also a weekly coach-led Q & A meeting relating to the content and exercises.

How long is the mental fitness programme?

The Programme lasts 6 weeks. You will be in a small cohort that has 1 x 1 hour coaching a week. You will also be given access to an app that helps you to incorporate the learnings on a day-to-day basis.

Are results measured?

Yes. When participants are onboarded their Mental Fitness will be assessed. The companion app will provide feedback to participants through the programme on how they are building their positive mental muscles. At the conclusion of the course the participants will be surveyed to measure their change in Mental Fitness and how this relates to essential workplace behaviours.

What benefits can I expect?

Through the coaching process, clients report a deepening self-awareness, improvement in performance and enhancement in their quality of life. The coaching programme can help you move from frustration, stress, and struggle to being more productive and happier across all areas of your life.

Will the results last?

Our Coaching Programmes are designed to help you identify what your brain needs to produce the results you desire. Through your coaching sessions, your insights and actions lay the foundation for sustainable positive results. We help you to identify the best structures for you to maintain your gains in the long-run.

How will our organisation benefit?

Leading organisations already recognise the benefits of Emotional Intelligence competences, particularly for leaders. The Mental Fitness Programme builds upon Emotional Intelligence through Neuroscience and Positive Psychology to address 10 key mental processes that sabotage individual and team performance. The Programme teaches simple strategies and 5 proven modalities for leaping forward in terms of performance, collaboration and wellbeing. Participants report that the Programme and has made a deep and lasting impact on their performance, relationships, happiness and general wellbeing. Data collected from the Programme support this with 90% of participants better using their emotional energy, 92% have improved teamwork, 83% have more self-confidence, 85% are happier, 82% enjoy better relationships and 91% are now manage stress better. What's more, benefits from the Mental Fitness Programme apply to all areas of work and life.

Still have questions?

Contact our Customer Support Team