ADHD In Business

Employing People With ADHD, And Making Reasonable Accommodation For Their Individual Needs
Under the Equalities Act 2010 all businesses are required to make reasonable adjustments for people with all types of disabilities. As well as providing access to people with mobility issues, or bigger, bolder screens for people who have trouble with their sight, it also means making adjustments for people with conditions such as ADHD.
Many of those adjustments can be simple changes to working practices. This could include adjusting your employee’s workload so they are able to concentrate on the thigs they are good at without having to struggle with things which they have trouble with. This means that you have less time wasted, and a happier employee! Other adjustments could include changing their working pattern to allow for more frequent breaks in return for coming in a little earlier, or leaving a little later. They might need brighter lighting, or a second computer monitor so they can visually organise their tasks clearly.
We Support Businesses Who Support People With ADHD
ADHD Support’s business support gives you insight into making your workplace more productive by helping you recognise your staff’s strengths, weaknesses and additional needs. Identifying your ADHD staff’s special abilities and the tasks they find intolerable puts you in the position of creating an environment which nurtures growth and success while also improving your team’s job satisfaction.