The 8-Year Wait: NHS ADHD Assessment Backlog Causes, Effects and Solutions

Waiting can be an incredibly frustrating experience, whether it's anxiously checking your inbox for a university acceptance letter, refreshing your email hoping to hear back about a job application, or frantically trying to secure tickets to the Eras tour. These moments of anticipation can be stressful, but they pale in comparison to the prolonged, anxiety-inducing wait faced by those seeking an ADHD assessment in the UK. Across the country, the process of obtaining an ADHD assessment has become tedious and emotionally taxing.
A staggering 200,000 individuals are currently enduring this agonizing wait, caught in the ramifications of the NHS' overwhelming eight-year backlog for ADHD assessments. This unfortunate situation has left many people struggling with undiagnosed symptoms and the stress of searching for alternatives to manage their increasingly difficult condition.
Having ADHD is challenging enough on its own. The added frustration of waiting years for a diagnosis is just the cherry on top of an already terrible sundae. This extended period of uncertainty can exacerbate symptoms, strain relationships, and hinder personal and professional growth. For those caught in this limbo, each day brings a mix of hope and despair as they navigate life without the proper support and understanding that a diagnosis could provide.
How did we end up here?
The crisis in ADHD assessments and treatments in the UK is a complex issue with multiple contributing factors:
1. Surge in Referrals
Since 2019, there has been a fourfold increase in ADHD assessment referrals. This dramatic rise can be attributed to growing awareness and understanding of neurodiversity in society (Nuffield Trust, 2024; ITV News, 2023). Social media, celebrity disclosures, and increased mental health literacy have all played a role in people recognizing ADHD symptoms in themselves and seeking professional help.
2. Insufficient Specialist Workforce
The NHS is grappling with a severe shortage of clinicians trained in ADHD assessment and treatment. This shortage is not easily addressed, as it requires specialized training and experience (The Guardian, 2023). ADHD can be challenging to diagnose, especially in adults, as symptoms can overlap with other mental health conditions. This complexity often requires multiple assessment sessions, further straining limited resources. The rapid increase in demand has outpaced the health system's ability to train and retain qualified professionals.
3. Recent Recognition of Adult ADHD
Adult ADHD was only officially acknowledged by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) in 2008. This relatively recent recognition means that many adults who may have had ADHD their entire lives are only now seeking diagnosis and treatment, contributing to the backlog.
4. COVID-19 Pandemic Impact
The pandemic has significantly disrupted healthcare services across the board (Nuffield Trust, 2024). For ADHD services, this meant:
- Postponement of non-urgent assessments and treatments
- Reallocation of mental health resources to crisis care
- Challenges in transitioning to remote assessments and consultations
- Increased mental health needs in the general population, potentially exacerbating ADHD symptoms and driving more people to seek help
The Ramifications of the Long Wait
The prolonged wait for diagnosis has severe consequences for those affected. Many experience increased anxiety, depression, and self-doubt while awaiting diagnosis. Without proper support, individuals may struggle in academic and professional settings, leading to significant educational and career setbacks. The lack of understanding and support for undiagnosed ADHD can also strain personal and professional relationships. Moreover, essential medications and therapies remain out of reach during the waiting period, delaying much-needed treatment.
Alternative Solutions
For those caught in this limbo, each day brings a mix of hope and despair as they navigate life without the proper support and understanding that a diagnosis could provide. In the meantime, it's important to be open to alternative coping strategies to manage symptoms and expediate your diagnosis. At ADHD Success, we are specially trained to address these needs through
Private Assessments
For many individuals, seeking a private ADHD assessment is a viable option to bypass lengthy NHS waiting lists. Private clinics can provide a diagnosis within weeks or months, significantly reducing the agonizing years-long wait faced by those in the NHS backlog.
While private assessments come at a significant financial cost, for many, the benefits outweigh the expenses. It offers a way to take control of their ADHD journey and avoid the prolonged limbo of waiting for an NHS diagnosis. It offers a range of benefits from access to specialised care, detailed evaluations, flexible appointment options and relief from waiting. Getting a diagnosis can feel like lifting a burden and push you to take proactive steps to address your ADHD concerns.
ADHD Coaching
The ultimate goal of ADHD coaching is to empower clients to unlock their full potential. This is done by working alongside your coach to develop a deeper understanding of their condition and formulate comprehensive and personalised coping strategies.
Our coaches are specifically trained to help develop strategies that work for each individual- be it one-to-one coaching, group coaching, a carefully crafted ADHD productivity programme or working memory training.
ADHD-trained Virtual Assistant (VA)
Support can be life changing. Most people in high-stress roles benefit from the all-encompassing support of a virtual assistant. Calendar management, digital organisation, delegating time consuming tasks, body doubling, and facilitating efficient communication with healthcare providers are just a few of the tasks your personal VA can help you with.
Overall, a VA from ADHD Success can serve as a comprehensive support system to help you stay organised, focused and prepared to manage your symptoms and make intentional steps towards the life you want.
The ADHD assessment crisis in the UK underscores the urgent need for systemic changes in healthcare provision to ensure timely access to diagnosis and treatment for all those affected by ADHD. While these alternatives cannot replace proper medical assessment and treatment, they can provide valuable support during the waiting period.
As the NHS works to address the backlog, it's imperative that individuals be open to exploring all the available resources to navigate through these challenges to unleash their full potential.
- BBC News, 2024. Eight-year ADHD backlog at NHS clinics revealed. [online] Available at: [Accessed 25 July 2024].
- BMJ, 2023. ADHD: UK faces "perfect storm" of surging demand and drug shortages. [online] Available at: [Accessed 25 July 2024].
- ITV News, 2023. ITV News review uncovers 'worst data ever' for ADHD referral wait times. [online] Available at: [Accessed 25 July 2024].
- Nuffield Trust, 2024. The rapidly growing waiting lists for autism and ADHD assessments. [online] Available at: [Accessed 25 July 2024].
- The Guardian, 2023. ADHD services swamped, say experts, as more UK women seek diagnosis. [online] Available at: [Accessed 25 July 2024].
- Sky News, 2023. Patient forced to fund ADHD diagnosis via credit card as almost a million left in limbo. [online] Available at: [Accessed 25 July 2024].